1779 GOLD ONE GUINEA ( ) GEORGE III - Guineas - Cambridgeshire Coins
1779 GOLD ONE GUINEA ( ) GEORGE III - Guineas - Cambridgeshire Coins


Regular price $785.00


This 1779 Gold One Guinea, originally minted during the significant period of George III’s rule, bears marks of its unique history as part of a jewelry piece. The obverse features a sophisticated portrait of George III, showcasing the monarch during a crucial time in British history marked by colonial tensions and internal reforms. The reverse of the coin carries the traditional crowned shield, a symbol of the British monarchy’s enduring strength and stability. Crafted from 22-carat gold (916 fineness), this coin exhibits traces of its past life in jewelry, adding a distinct character to its appearance. While no longer in pristine condition, this coin remains a testament to its era’s craft and historical events, appealing to collectors interested in unique pieces with storied pasts.

Coin Summary:

Material: Gold

Monarch: George III

Denomination: One Guinea

Country: United Kingdom

Condition: Not specified (Previously used in jewelry)

Weight: Approximately 8.35 grams

Diameter: 25 mm

Carat: 22 carat (916 fineness)