1822 GOLD SOVEREIGN ( FINE ) - Sovereign - Cambridgeshire Coins
1822 GOLD SOVEREIGN ( FINE ) - Sovereign - Cambridgeshire Coins


Regular price $891.00

 The 1822 Gold Sovereign, struck during the reign of King George IV, holds a special place in British numismatic history. This coin, in Fine (FINE) condition, features Benedetto Pistrucci's iconic St. George and the Dragon design on the reverse and the laureate head of King George IV on the obverse. Despite its circulated status, the 1822 Sovereign retains much of its original charm and detail, making it a noteworthy piece for collectors.

Coin Summary:

  • Precious Metal Content: 7.315g
  • Material: Gold
  • Monarch: George IV
  • Denomination: Sovereign
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Weight: 7.98g
  • Condition: Fine (FINE)
  • Diameter: 22.05mm
  • Carat: 22 carat (916)
  • Mintage: Approximately 5,356,797